Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore with Dr. Eric Westman

Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore with Dr. Eric Westman
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This book 'Cholesterol Clarity' is a book not written for doctors and scientists, but for everyday people. That's what made this book easy to read and understand. The authors put this book together with information from 29 experts in cholesterol and health (who chime in with "Moment of Clarity" throughout the book) to really drive the point home. Pharmaceutical companies selling statin drugs have all the incentives to market the drug. It's a $10 billion a year industry. The overall theme is its up to you to do your own research to care for your health.

According to a study published in American Heart Journal, 3 out of 4 patients hospitalized for a heart attack had cholesterol levels in the "normal" range of 200 or less, some via statins to lower their cholesterol while others had naturally low cholesterol. So do drugs like Lipitor and Crestor help, especially with their side effects? Statins is a $10 billions a year industry.

Cholesterol is important for your body to make hormones (estrogen and testosterone), repair nerves, make bile for fat digestion, and synthesizes vitamin D. It is so important (required for survival) that a majority of the cholesterol in our bodies are made by our bodies. According to Peter Attia, MD, only 15% of the cholesterol you consume is absorbed (the other 85% is excreted).

Many people believe cholesterol is the culprit to "clogged arteries", but that is wrong. Instead, a clogged artery is caused by chronic inflammation (caused by poor diet, smoking, lack of sleep, infrequent exercise, elevated stress, and compromised gut health). You can test for chronic inflammation in your body via a high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), a primary inflammation marker.

Statin drugs will artificially lower your cholesterol numbers, but won't prevent heart attacks, stroke, or cardiovascular disease. It doesn't do anything to address the root cause, inflammation.

Dr Malcolm Kendrick created a 1 minute 17 second YouTube video "Cholesterol and Heart Disease" that show numbers in a chart that show there is no correlation between heart disease and cholesterol. Australian aboriginals have the highest rate of heart disease, but lowest level of cholesterol. The Swiss have the highest levels of cholesterol, but have 1/3 the heart disease of people in the UK.

A patient ate cholesterol rich foods like eggs, gizzards, and seafood, even before a cholesterol test and his HDL went up, and LDL went down. If you get extra cholesterol in your food, it doesn't end up in LDL.

In May 2007, Dr Beatrice Golomb at UCSD independently funded "The Statin Effects Study" found from 4100 participants responses that most "adverse events" occur in higher doses. Additional, after the first side effect, you will see recurring symptoms. Typical symptoms include muscle pain, trouble remembering things, tingling/burning/numbing sensation, and sense of irritability. Other severe symptoms include mood changes, violent nightmares, liver/stomach problems, trouble breathing, profuse sweating, weight gain, breast enhancement, dry skin, rash, impotence, and changes in blood pressure. They also negatively impact proteins in the urine, kidney function, and the heart.

Eat organic and avoid processed foods because they contain unhealthy omega-6 rich vegetable oils. Sugar has been the replacement for saturated fat. The bad news is sugar is probably worse for you than saturated fats.

If triglycerides are under 100 and closer 50, that's good. If not, you want your triglycerides-to HDL ratio to be 1 or lower. This is important for determining your heart health risk. Carbohydrate consumption drives triglycerides higher.

Low cholesterol can be more dangerous than high cholesterol. lo into Tim Russert and how he died of a heart attack at age 58 with a cholesterol level of 105.

9 reasons why you have high cholesterol

  1. hypothyroidism - which is  low thyroid function. The thyroid (among other tasks) has a hormone T3 that tells LDL receptors to get rid of excess LDL. However, when the thyroid function is low, the LDL isn't gotten rid of fast enough.
  2. Eating Too Many Carbohydrates or Sugar - eating too much of these will make small dense LDL, which is bad for you. Sugar attaches and attacks LDL causing glycation damage. This cause your LDL, which deliver goods to tissues, to be less efficient, requiring more LDL. Unfortunately, LDL with sugar can't be recycled, so they become small, dense, LDL, which is bad.
  3. Low Carb, High Fat Diet - which is good for you, because your HDL will go up to a healthy level, and your LDL will be mostly the fluffier type. Your triglycerides will also go down.
  4. Familial Hypercholesterolemia - this is a rare conditions (both your parents pass it to you) where your LDL receptor can't let the liver know there is too much cholesterol.
  5. Micronutrients Deficiencies - we don't get enough key vitamins, forcing our bodies to compensate by producing more LDL cholesterol particles. Iodine and selenium for thyroid hormones, zinc and copper for extracellular antioxidant.
  6. Chronic Bacterial Infection (especially in teeth) - cholesterol is used to control inflammation, so if you have an infection, tests will show elevated levels of cholesterol. In this situation, statins will lower cholesterol that should be higher (due to underlying problems). Statin's in this case would be wrongly prescribed.
  7. Stress - LDL levels go up when people are stressed.
  8. Hormonal Issues - Hormones can cause a rise in cholesterol. During menstruation, menopause, taking birth control pills, pregnancy, all cause cholesterol to go up.
  9. Losing Weight - once your weight stabilizes, so will cholesterol numbers

8 advanced Health Markers

  1. Apolipoprotein B (ApoB)
  2. LDL-P
  3. Small LDL-P
  4. Non-HDL Cholesterol
  5. Lipoportein(a)
  6. High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP)
  7. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) and Fasting Blood Sugar Test
  8. Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) by Dr. Graveline about his experiences with Statin and memory loss is the results of a study of 4100 participants by Dr Beatrice Golomb.

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