AIDS Walk 2015 in SF

AIDS Walk 2015 in San Francisco
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2015 is my first year participating in the AIDS Walk 10K in San Francisco. In fact, this is one of my first walks in San Francisco. The AIDS Walk has been happening for many years, so I automatically assumed all the details would be worked out. It takes place on the streets of Golden Gate Park, where the route is closed to automotive traffic. The goal of the walk to to raise money from friend and family. Some of the larger companies sponsor and have a visible presence.

Overall, my impression of the event is very positive. The walk was crowded at the start line, but quickly thins out. Along the walk route, there are several stops for refreshments and bathroom breaks. Water is plentiful along the route. There is even entertainment spread throughout the route as bands play music or groups do a dance. And in an eye shot along every part of the route are volunteers cheering walkers on!

I would happily participate in the 2016 AIDS Walk when the time comes around next year.

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